Far be it for me to comment on this, because I'm new here...but I had a similar experience at Oshkosh with a different vendor and it boggles my mind that ANY business would conduct themselves in this manner. The way I look at it is that the business is there to drum up sales. They SHOULD expect anyone and everyone to touch their airplanes and equipment. If not, cordon it off and let "prospective buyers" inside.

At the Caldwell airshow last year my RV-7A was behind the rope for display and no one touched it. I let a couple of asking parents bring their small kids over to sit in it. Heck, I'd probably have taken them flying if they'd asked! That's what us "common airplane owners" are doing at airshows. Vendors should expect otherwise, or they will lose business.

Treat people like you want to be treated...that goes 10 fold for business owners. That being said, I try not to judge people based on what I hear from others. I believe in first hand experience. So when I'm ready to buy into the Kitfox family (or anything else), a gracious attitude is what I hope to see.

Just wanted to comment because I know how the OP feels. I was about to part with thousands of dollars on a glass panel and in one instant I changed my mind.