Last week, my wife and I greeted our first child into the world. We are in awe of how wonderful it is to have a little girl.

Who out there has flown with young children?

I hope to introduce her to flight soon in the S7. Does anyone have experience with infants and flight? I would love to hear about them.

I am open to opinions regarding:

1. Baby seat crammed somehow into passenger seat or have them snuggled in the chest harness thingy? (Being new to fatherhood, "chest harnest thingy" is the best term I could come up with.)

2. Anyone know any tricks to help their eustacian tubes? Should I stick to low altitudes for a while?

3. How to I communicate to her at this age that long before she wears a naval flight suit and gets her carrier qualification, she has to master a taildragger?

In all seriousness, I look forward to sharing with my daughter the world that I was blessed to see from childhood...the world from up 'there'.