No advantage, I measured the oil used when I pulled the lines versus sucking it out and leaving the oil in. It was only a couple table spoons of oil. So no you are just wearing yourself out. Not only that, you will have to blead the system, depending on how you do it. If you remove the oil return and do the prop turn over, I guess you can stop when the new out comes out. Here you also have a problem with a line being removed and having to make sure it is installed right so it doesn't pop off or leak in flight.

On my older 912ul engine, I also found that burping the system and than going right into oil change out, seems to get more oil out of the engine and return line. If I just run the engine and then changed the oil, the oil level was a little lower on the stick. I believe the last time I did it, I ended up burping the oil system after warm up.

One interesting thing on this, did you know you can burp the system by putting on the compression differential tester and doing a compression test, the last time I did it I heard the system burp, and was told this was normal. Expecially if you rocked the cylender and cause the rings to unseat. Maybe that was because my engine was getting weak, don't know.