Weighed the Super Sport yesterday, after 3.5 yrs of building. Haven't completed the CG yet. Empty weight is 753 lbs., which is not unusual except that I have a Continental 0-200 on the nose. I was expecting over 800# so I am extremely excited and scratching my head hoping I didn't forget something or make any mistakes when I weighed. Double checked the level & weighed twice just to be sure. Checked the scales for calibration and went over the plane again just to be sure everything is there. Only thing I haven't done is paint the cowling. But don't think a quart of paint will add much in weight.

The 0-200 has a lightweight starter & generator with a Whirlwind ground adjustable prop. No fuel pump, just gravity feed (just like every Cessna 150). Exhaust system from a Cessna 150.

Basic panel with A/S, VSI, T/B, & Alt. No installed radios, just a handheld. Plans are for a small Becker or Xcom at some point. Using the Grand Rapids EIS 4000 engine monitor. No lights, day VFR only. No wheel pants or speed cuffs on the wing struts. Used poly fiber system and did not go overboard with heavy applications of paint.

Didn't set out to build a super light airframe but I was attentive in trying to keep weight down. I am hoping the CG will not require extra weight in the tail for balance. The battery & ELT are on a accessory tray in the rear so that should take care of the CG, but I will find out after I complete the balance calculations.

After I am finally flying, and if I can stay out of the plane long enough to add some things, I intend to add the speed cuffs to the wing struts & add 8.50 tires. Even with a few additions, I think I can keep the empty weight in the 800# range.

Hope to have the inspection completed within the next week. If everything goes according to plans, first flight in a couple of weeks. I'm pumped, & nervous. Can't believe it's almost time to fly.