Please assist... I have some conflicting arm data for my Kitfox IV-1050 that I am hoping to get straightened out.

I have a number of aged records on my aircraft that state the following arms:

Original Paperwork
Empty Aircraft 12.1 (560.7 lbs)
Pilot 16.3
Rear Header Tank 45.9 or 46.4 (which one is right?)
Wing Tanks 16.47
Cargo Bay 40.5

2006 Weight and Balance - paperwork suggests an aviation shop did the work
Empty Aircraft 12.91 (632.0 lbs)
Pilot 15.8
Wing Tanks 15.97
Baggage 24.00

My big concern is the conflicting ARMS for the Pilot, wing tanks, and baggage between these two read outs. Would love any input that get help get the correct numbers I should be using for my calcs.

