I NEVER, NEVER, NEVER land in a crab. I don't think that there isa NORMAL crosswind landing, but the way it normally works out for me is that I make sure that I have enough rudder to maintain the nose pointing straight down the runway while staying on the centerline.

I will usually come down final in a crab, staying on the extended centerline until I'm 10 feet or so AGL. At that point, I kick it around so that the nose is lined up with the runway, holding it there with the rudder. With the nose as straight as I can posibily keep it, and the upwind wing low, I touch down on the upwind wheel and hold that wing low attitude as long as needed to stay on the centerline (or as close as I can). When the othere tire decides to come down, it's down.

I don't think that a Kitfox can ever be landed in a crab without tearing off the landing gear, or at least bending something.

ALWAYS keep the nose pointing down the runway as you touch down.

I fly a model 3 taildrager, but I'm sure that it applies to planes with a nose wheel also.