New to this forum and new owner of a 2013 Model IV 1200. My specific interest (for now) is concerning weight. My question is: According to the build tag on my Kitfox it is listed at 743lbs. It has no extras, bare bones avionics, Grove gear, bubble doors, and no special features (that I can see). Purchased as and appears to be a very stock model with a 912ULS engine. At 743 lbs, me (160lbs) my wife (120lbs) and 25 gallons of fuel per my calculations these total 1173lbs. So we can only carry 27lbs of luggage (or what ever)? I was thinking of upgrading the instrument panel and perhaps the gear but looks as though this would be a mistake is either of these will add weight. What am I missing?
Any comments are much appreciated!
Alabama Kitfox IV 1200