I’m a bit puzzled by your posting and the statement the Kiev didn’t perform as well as your Warp Drive.

Maybe I’m just not reading your post correctly. Help me understand the numbers.

You gave a report for three pitch settings on the Kiev and only one pitch setting for the Warp.

(1) 12 degrees pitch, 4800 static,100mph at 5000rpm,5500 max throttle
(2) 11 " " , 5000 " , 90 ' " " ,5800 " "
(3) 10 " " , 5200 " , 80 " " " ,would exceed 5800

(1) 5200 static,90mph at 5000 rpm,5700 full throttle

Your Kiev prop with 11 degree setting gave a speed equal to the Warp Drive with lower RPM of 5000, yet still had low enough pitch to produce 5800 RPM at full throttle. This would indicate you had reserve power available at high RPM.

Your numbers also indicate 12 degrees was too much, so if you compromise with a pitch at 11.5 degrees you would be getting a higher cruise speed at 5200 and perhaps a maximum of 5700 at full throttle.

From the way I see the data, your Kiev prop actually performed better at 5000 RPM than the warp drive at 5200 RPM.

John Pitkin
Greenville, Texas