I believe the Kiev comes in ground adjustable only but not sure.You could check the web site.
I am going to fly this morning and check out my UMA tach to see if I am getting correct readings on my tach with a digital tach checker. That might be the problem although relative readings would still put the Warp ahead I think.
Steve ,thanks for your input on the IVO prop,I will check it out. Where is the best source?I am not really shopping for a new prop.The Warp is just fine.The whole thing started when I saw a couple of Highlanders with the Kiev prop. One was white,the other black. It was the most beautiful prop I had ever seen! Looked like it belonged on a Ferrrari. Well, after a year of admiring it but absolutely no logical reason to buy one a friend of mine put one on a new Paradise SLSA (from Brazil) and picked up 10 mph in cruise. That was enough for me so I bought one. But,as the man says,you just can't stare at it,it has to perform ! Besides none of the rednecks down here know what an airplane is let alone a prop.
Actually I think it would perform if I could get it right. The dealer is as frustrated as I am because in every case,except mine,they do exceptionaly well. I might be the tach.
One other thing to add. The Warp prop hub attachment to the engine prop flange is far superior,I think. The HP hub I have uses bushings and the outer holes vs the inner 8mm the Kiev uses. It seems to me this would be a more stable prop mount,much like Cont/Lyc uses.
By the way,my airplane has not been very fast. I have the 80 hp 912UL engine,fat tires,"bush gear" and I normally cruise around 5000 rpm vs 5500. I am not usually in a hurry to get anywhere. 85-90mph is about it.But if I could of picked up a few mph with the Kiev ... wellll.